Blog for Nameless-Value

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Logic, Ideology, Ideal, Transcendence Part1

Our society is carnal, never ideological, nor sort of being filled with discrimination and so sad sacrificed ones with transportation or traffic war victims, prejudice, and tough battle in survival.
Therefore, we necessarily need rule, it must be sustained by logic idea, being logic means so convincing to anyone who can contact it, in need for their survival.
Logics itself is the study, researching only logical system we can use and utilize in survival.

Being carnal means emotionally manageable of all things in terms of demanding some security, guarantee toward income, or happy life’s realization with beloved ones or so and necessarily condition to live at residence as environmental factors to us.

Hence, we need logical decision with its necessity, all juridical law and matters around it for our survival exist. All of them are outputted in our needing demanding claims to authority and in it logic idea is needed.

Being logic must be accompanied with duality in our own need and demand which our gotten result is realized at our original hope or wish or not in judgement.

Duality means that sort of really feasible standard, but it must be composing all logical order and is columned by persuasive explanation by authority as municipal community or nation itself.

All these explanations e.g. written in constitution or each particular law, are in logical demanded from for users to these constitution and laws.

Its stance means ideologically demanding something, and it means ideally wished claim’s response to hoping by citizens for getting precious condition to survival, and all these exampled matters are meant identity, and with these we can feel happiness.

In other words, ideally demanding completion or perfection means accepting something in right empowered by politically and ethnically identified authority, it means the nation and right. Thus, there we confront so welcoming acceptance to be empowered and feeling never to be done so in gap in resulted matter for each one, condition and the way to feel it is mutually different in all citizens.
Hence, denying something as dissatisfaction must be popping up simultaneously when we are empowered as a citizen.
Both reactions are made there, in other words, at this field, even rejection, denial, refusing can be popped up and at the field to claim, these all things as saying are permitted, juridically.

In fact, these gaps are caused from responsibility authorized at the role or position socially at work as company or office.
Class’s responsible difference makes each distinct dissatisfaction in satisfaction, otherwise, the environmental gap when each social member is raised at their own family, probably all religious belief and the way to feel it in difference are made by it.
Coz as long as we each are individual, anybody is never completed to be in private demand’s meeting, and anybody must never feel perfection in wish nor hope, and for getting so supreme something privately precious for each one, we all must need ideally feasible somewhat we can imagine previously gotten situation, of course we are hardly able to get it in lifespan, eventually we can get a detachment in half abandoning all ideal hope choosing tiny and trivial real life according to own capability.
But really when we have an ideal idea, that must be so notionally never realistic to anybody, it means the hoping and wishing, that must be so transcendental and characterized so notionally formal, coz our imaginative mind must be managed only with never feasible things anybody can do only that idea holding generally, therefore, we can have real pleasure entering to our own mind out of the blue in discovering somewhat we could never imagine, coz imagining thing and discovering thing in mind prior to its future’s coming to us must be kind of it in no exception to anybody.

Transcendental characterized stance is typical our mind demanding ideally feasible in our own future.
That mind method is so uniquely biased, in other words, we are presumably alive only in order to be awoken to it, we can presume so in our reflecting moments for us individually.

In conclusion, we can get anytime so surely gotten thing only with our own cooperative attitude and behavior in action of really social serving. Only these realistic acts with practical idea must be kept as our result and byproduct afterward our action. That is society.

But actually, ultimately at a stance to need ideal perfection, originally we need assured logics at leant the moment to make up our mind to do for our own future, with affirmation, and including negation, never wanting result, in a need to output after our action.
That planning must be characterized as ideal index, sort of it is so crucially feasible in wishing something to own future, and its content is each distinct.

That realization could be met only with transcendent idea and its stance in a range according to our real life’s condition and circumstance.

And its stance must be regarded as the most indispensable value, so as to get essentially demanded matter.

However, Buddhism must never have that sort of stance, coz its belief must be persistent in only notional mindset when we are in deviant way for surviving. Because probably its religion must be caused from originally absolutely need to carnally dependent community’s stability according to each member’s finite condition.
Originally Buddhism was created by Indians whose idea was so suitable to learn mathematics but with wisdom in tough classified social status, then their idea had no transcendent character, I can see so, probably discovery to concept zero was never so transcendent only in practical use in daily their lives.

Thereby Taoism is neither so transcendent, but just it is according to nothingness’s absolute character’s mentioning to us as reader of their holly scripts.

But Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism and Confucianism must have transcendence beyond theism and pantheism in tough gap.Because they are all accompanied with refuge, denial, rejection, they have no abandonment never as if Buddhism must have originally as essence of it.

These obviously showing refusal, denial, negation to somewhat could be identified as absoluteness demanding in real life and attempt to delete relativeness and ambiguity from their mind.

These minus evaluations permitted to all believers had been caused from desperate condition in surviving at desert or so desolation for their habitual location to survive.

These kinds of denial tendency must be indispensable elemental components for their believers. And that attitude is never bad for this contemporary epoch, of course so tough collision must be born with them to each other, although it means so much, and they should never lose it mutually, but mutual understanding is so difficult when they try to find the compromising point together, but presumably if we could at nearly close future have solution for nowadays’ global warming, that scientific technology must have them overcome, I can presume that sort of condition, coz I can believe that all politically, economically and religiously motivated ideas’ gaps and taboos or so must be caused from all these climate or sort of cultural life habit and customs, thus if we mutually learn them to each other, we must have found solved consensus .together, namely the sole finger to dissipate our discord must be scientific mutual attempting in solving this earth’s issue as an absolute serious issue to all humans.

Yea, all of these are absolutely needed to be proceeded to ideal or needed to make proceed them to be so by us.
(to be continued)

(Jan. 8th. 2020)

Note; This time's conclusion is so opptimistic but its thing is absolutely needed now as well as this time's my debate. Next chance would involve more concrete issues contingently we all face at global society. Bi the way, I am a deist. Lord, God I believe in,.but have no sect at particular theism. fundamentally, I trust scientific view, and philosophic view, and I believe Lord' ethically humanic love to sufferers.