Blog for Nameless-Value

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Black Joking Ideas a.

If you and I were wanting to manage perfectly whole globe of us, we necessarily must have own enemy, and it includes some very generally credibly seen emblem or so, to it, we need to liquidate it, for accomplishing it, necessarily professional liquidator should be procured, but afterward we accomplish first liquidation, the liquidator should be dealt with at diffusing the oneself with the help of credible liquidator, and only the one will be secured. But after all, we will want the one liquidated by some other power, and for accomplishing it, we previously need some other one who will successfully liquidate that left one. 

Then, to the one who will practice around liquidating first liquidator, what we should regard?

After all, the issue will remain to us. And for evading the left issue, to us, only one option will be remained. If we won't liquidate first the most wicked one as the first object to be liquidated, after all, we won't have necessity to liquidate the liquidator by the oneself, thus after all, to us, from the beginning, no having idea around liquidating someone as seen the most wicked after all will be the most successful. 

After all, any seen the best method for doing wicked idea, consequently can function the gadget for torturing our own mind and spirit, thus, after all, from the beginning, only what we have no the kind of wicked idea will be the safest idea. 

Those all are inactively, not subjectively regarded the most powerless wisdoms. Because truly signified and trustworthy idea must be not having any wicked idea, probably from the beginning, only the idea must have been prepared for us, so intrinsically. And that must be the sole ethical creed or kind of our the most credible wisdom. 

(Irregularly continued)

Apr. 15th.     2024